Hotel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh, 21 November 2007
 CSD director Theary Seng giving the introductory remarks, Minister of Women's Affairs Dr. ING Kantha Phavi and Prof. Ka Sunbaunat (representative of Ministry of Health, Dean of Univ. of Health Science) on panel (Phnom Penh, 21 Nov. 2007).

 Minister of Women's Affairs, Dr. ING Kantha Phavi
 Dean of University of Health Science, representative of Ministry of Health, Prof. KA Sunbaunat
 Executive Director, Center for Social Development Theary C. Seng
 Author / psycho-social consultant Matthias Witzel with psychosocial assistant and translator Ms. YIM Sotheary
 Tenor KHUON Sethisak singing the Cambodian national anthem
 Country Representative of German Development Service (DED) Mr. Wolfgang Mollers and Singapore Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Mr. William Chik.
 Panelists Matthias Witzel, Yim Sotheary, Theary Seng, Prof. Ka Sunbaunat, Dr. CHHIM Sotheara, Ms. NHONG Hema (Director of Psychology Department, Royal University of Phnom Penh)

Student asking questions of Panelists

 Psycho-social consultant / author Matthias Witzel and his musical team performing for the audience
