Memoir: Daughter of the Killing Fields
Memoir: Daughter of the Killing Fields(Fusion Press London, 2005). Theary Seng reading an excerpt at the Phnomn Penh Launch (Dec. 2005).
Voice of Justice Columns
Voice of Justice
The Voice of Justice Program was conceived by Theary Seng as director of the Center for Social Development, and funded by the German Development Service, inter alia. The Voice of Justice logo depicts a Cambodian figure pushing aside the black curtains of a repressive past, as s/he yearns to enter a world of freedom of expression and democracy, represented by the blue of the inner circle. The scales of justice above the figure show the supremacy of law, and are in gold, which according to Cambodian mythology stands for strength, rooted in the earth. The Constitution is placed in front of the figure to represent the protection it affords. The logo is encircled in pale blue to symbolize peace.
 Theary Seng holding Lady Justice, 2007
Reflections on Forgiveness, Reconciliation
 I am most grateful to Mr. Wolfgang Mollers of the German Development Service for the grant to allow me some months to collect my thoughts and reflections on issues of forgiveness, justice, peace, and reconciliation in the healing process and compile them in book-form.
Other Writings

Other Writings
Theary Seng relaxing, after the Cambodia International Film Festival and Chath pier Sath's solo exhibition at the French Cultural Center, at Hurley's Cantina (an impromptu photo session with Nigel Dickinson, 28 Jan. 2010).