Voice of Justice Column
National New Year Resolution: Upholding the Four Freedoms
Necessity of Outreach: Justice, Peace and Reconciliation
Equality of Arms: Prosecutor v Defendant
Must Justice Be Seen to be Done: Public Scrutiny and Participation in the ECCC
No Tipping Point: Provision for UN Withdrawal Only Theoretical (9-22 March 2007)
Juvenile Justice: Suffer the Little Children

A SOULLESS NATION: In Need of Principles of First Things

Education Through Imagination: A Closed Mind is a Beautiful Thing to Lose
The Erosion of Privacy: Big Brother is Watching
In (Sacred) Memory: Must Politics Obstruct Honoring the Dead?
Weighing the Evidence: Tipping the Scales of Justice
Broken Promises: How Economic Concessions Undermine the ICESCR
Poverty is Not Fate: It is Man-made
Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Is there a Khmer Rouge Exception?
Natural Resource Revenues: Blessing or Curse?
Political and Social Equality: Some More Equal than Others
ABOVE NATIONS, HUMANITY: Universal Jurisdiction and International Criminal Justice
LOVE FOR SALE: Neary Kroup Lak and the Economics of Sex

Civil Party: Khmer Victim(s) v Charged KR Senior Leader(s) for Crimes Against Humanity (etc.)
Justice & National Reconciliation: A National Dialogue, 2007
Justice & National Reconciliation: A National Dialogue, 2008
What is Love but to Know and to be Known by Another
Understanding Trauma in Cambodia

In Need of Being Saved…From Ourselves
Martin Luther King, Jr., Slain Civil Rights Leader Remembered: Letter from Birmingham Jail
What is Success? (Phnom Penh Post)
Statement from the Dalai Lama for Global Peace Initiative of Women, Jaipur Summit
 Theary Seng speaking at Global Peace Initiative of Women (India, March 2008)
Statement of Civil Party Theary Seng to Pre-Trial Chamber: Nuon Chea’s Appeal ofProvisional Detention, 8 Feb. 2008
Beautification of Phnom Penh: Public Parks and Gardens
Pray the Devil Back to Hell - Screening with H.E. Mu Sochua at FCCC
 Theary Seng and parliamentarian Mu Sochua hosting the premier of Pray the Devil Back to Hell, winner of Tribeca Film Festival (FCC, 2008).
The Reasonableness Test: Is it Reasonable in Light of Totality of Circumstances?
The Great Divide: Opportunity Costs of Living in Year 1008 when in 2008
Lords of Poverty: Enablers of Hypocrisy and Mismanagement
Shifting Burden of Proof: From Victims to Government of Political Violence
LEADERSHIP: To Lead is to Serve
Finding My Voice (Phnom Penh Post)
The Post-Modern Victim
Understanding Trauma in Cambodia Handbook

The Khmer Rouge Legacy: How Then Shall We Live?
Habits and Sacrifices (Phnom Penh Post)
Profiles in Courage: Vignettes from Cambodian Life
Reading the Patterns of Life
Prayers for Peace

In Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
30 Years of Impunity Has to Stop Now with Greater Accountability at the KRT
Also, these articles are available at The Phnom Penh Post and many on KI Media webpages.

Theary Seng, in front of Royal Palace at sunset (Dec. 2009; Photo: Roland Neveu)