Theary Seng with US Ambassador Carol Rodley, finalist Amy and her brother and friend, Youth Leadership Challenge FINALE, live broadcast from CTN studio (Phnom Penh, 1 July 2009)
Youth Leadership Challenge TV program, 5th Season

 In front of the National Library, Book Drive episode, Jan. 2009.

 Filming in front and inside the National Library in Phnom Penh, the Book Drive, Jan. 2009.
 Filming the Blood Drive episode in front of the National Aids Authority (Phnom Penh, Feb. 2009)
 Filming in the garden near the newly-constructed Council of Ministers, Job Interview episode, Feb. 2009.
 Co-hosts Theary and Chea Samnang interrogating the candidates of both teams after they have carried their assignments in the CTN studio, 2009.
