A reminder from John the Baptist, Jesus’ forerunner:
No grace without truth,
no forgiveness without condemnation,
no love without justice.
- Yale theologian Miroslav Volf
Public Forums "Justice & Reconciliation" (2006-09)
Public Forums on Justice & Reconciliation
March 2006 - July 2009
It was our Voice of Justice (and now, Voice of Justice & Reconciliation) Radio Program which pulled all the conversations together across the country and turned an intimate, passion dialogue among 150-200 villagers/ECCC officials/civil society at each public forum into a NATIONAL DIALOGUE (click to listen).
 At these public forums, we introduced psycho-social language and concepts, using pages from this Trauma Handbook we produced (now used by the Royal University Department of Psychology as its main textbook for its Bachelor's and Master's Programs)... It is less and less a taboo now to discuss trauma/psycho-social issues since we have punctured the airtight space.
Book Launching Ceremony . . .
Trauma Handbook published on KI-Media
Other Photos . . .
Founding Center for Justice & Reconciliation, 2009

 Founding the Center for Justice & Reconciliation
in August 2009 to continue the work of CSD's "Justice & Reconciliation
Theary Seng at the Center for Justice & Reconciliation with CJR staff and civil party applicants, 2009.
We had to expedite the registration process in order to bridge as quickly as possible the work of justice and reconciliation and absorb as many of the CSD staff as possible after the government issued the court injunctive order against Theary Seng (a personal dispute exploited by politics to the destruction of CSD). Consequently, Theary trusted her deputy to register the NGO in his name (and those of his relative and close friend), as her name was still yet too sensitive.
Since, Theary succeeded in registering CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education in her name.
Now, CJR is incorporated as a major project of CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education to streamline management as the work CJR furthers the purposes and goals of CIVICUS Cambodia as well as to protect from the all-too-familiar appropriation of names.
Interviews on Peace, Justice, Reconciliation
 Interviews on Peace, Justice, Reconciliation Theary Seng with RFA host Chivita (Phnom Penh, 2009
Speaking Engagements on Justice, Reconciliation
 Speaking Engagements on Justice, Peace, Reconciliation Theary Seng speaking with Dr. Wolfgang Thierse, vice-president of German Parliament (Bundestag) at the Bundestag's conference room overlooking the transparent dome (Berlin, 2 Sept. 2009)
Writings on Peace, Justice, Reconciliation
 Writings on Peace, Justice & Reconciliation Theary Seng speaking with villagers in Svay Rieng, 2007
ECCC Civil Party Class Action, Fair Trial Seminars
 ECCC Civil Party Seminars, Class Action Theary Seng representative of Civil Party Orphans Class against senior KR leaders (above Nuon Chea at ECCC Pre-Trial Chamber provisional detention hearing, Feb. 2008)
International Transitional Justice Seminars
  Caitlin Reiger of International Center for Transitional Justice (in red) conducting a seminar at Center for Social Development civil society leaders on transitional justice mechanisms, with CSD director Theary Seng (left photo, standing) hosting (Phnom Penh, 2006).
Seminars on International Tribunals, the Cambodian Judiciary
 ECCC Defense Support Section (Rupert Skilbeck, Richard Rogers and team) partnered with CSD Theary Seng to conduct seminars on international tribunals for civil society leaders to better prepare them in their outreach work to the Cambodian population, 2007. MORE PHOTOS . . .
"Time for Justice" Film Series / Screenings

 Time for Justice screenings / outreach across Cambodia Theary Seng with David Cohen, Phil Estemann, Heather Ryan, Michelle Staggs meeting with KMF Matthew Robinson and his partner at Metro (2007) to discuss "Time for Justice" film series.