My TREASON & INCITEMENT MASS TRIAL (Initial Page on Trial Matters) TUESDAY, 14 JUNE 2022 VERDICT ANNOUNCEMENT Court Statement: Concluding Remarks ការការពារ ផ្លូវច្បាប់ របស់ខ្ញុំ [ ... ] |
Photo: Svay Rieng Girls - with Srey Meas, the heroine who was imprisoned because she protested with Sam Rainsy against illegal border posts placed by Vietnam one hectare into her rice fields in Svay Rieng (Photo: Chak Ang Re Loeu, Aug. 2013).
January 7 and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Why Cambodia has cosied up to China The Economist | 21 January 2017 [Excerpts]
To Cambodia’s west is Thailand, which has more than four times as many people; the two countries have a dormant but unsettled border dispute. To the east is Vietnam, nearly six times as populous, which invaded Cambodia in 1979 and occupied it for ten years. So Cambodia has done what small countries always do: it has found a protector.... But there are also two strategic benefits. First, Cambodia uses China as a counterweight to Vietnam. Among ordinary Cambodians, anti-Vietnamese sentiment runs deep. Many bitterly recall the Vietnamese occupation and some demand the return of “Kampuchea Krom”—the delta of the Mekong river, which today is part of Vietnam, but is home to many ethnic Cambodians and was for centuries part of the Khmer Empire. Since Vietnam harboured Mr Hun Sen, the opposition depicts him as a Vietnamese puppet. Closeness to China helps to defuse such claims. Cambodia also uses China as a hedge against the West.
Ringing in the new year with family and friends in California, 2017
Peter Wehner / New York Times | 23 Dec. 2016 [excerpts]
According to the Christian Scriptures, Jesus had a life story — born in a manger in Bethlehem, later moving to Nazareth, and dying in his 30s, just outside Jerusalem. The fact that we’re so familiar with the story has inured us to just how jarring and unexpected it was. God came to earth “not in a raging whirlwind nor in a devouring fire,” in the words of Philip Yancey, author of “The Jesus I Never Knew,” but in humility, without power or wealth, in a world marked by strife and terror.
Jesus spent his infancy in Egypt as a refugee, Mr. Yancey points out, and the circumstances of his birth raised the specter of scandal. His life, then, was a profoundly human one, involving work and rest, friendships and betrayals, delight and sorrow. This has deep implications for how Christians should understand and approach life.
Family Album, Nov. / Dec. 2016
Los Angeles - by Jasper De Jesus, 27 Dec. 2016
Hiking in the Santa Monica mountains I had a boss who made the interesting observation that only Indians (South Asians) can pull off with aplomb mixing red and green and not turn into a Christmas ornament. A truism I should have heeded. - Nov. 2016 High Roller, Las Vegas, Nov. 2016 Emma, Josh, Micah after Josh's choir performance after church Mila Dara Seng, Dec. 2016 Alice in Wonderland room (no photo shop) The Chill at the Queen Mary Mila Dara Seng with her mom, grandparents Family, Christmas 2016 Rose Hills on Christmas Day, the family tradition to pay our respect to Grandma, Grandpa Abraham's birthday at Donny's (Irvine, Dec. 2016) Cousins, Dec. 2016 Sabrina, Theary, Visal (the best dumplings ever! at Din Tai Fung, South Coast Plaza, CA, Dec. 2016) Cerritos Civic Center and library, a walking distance from house I grew up i during junior, high school Heidi, Theary, Visal (Huntington Beach, Dec. 2016)
Sept. 2015
Missing my Lady Delilah, Jezebel
Dec. 2016 Delilah probably thinking I've abandoned her (Kirirom, Nov. 2016)
Democracy Square, Aug. 2013
Sam Rainsy:
Cambodia's Statesman and Nietzsche's Will to Power
Sam Rainsy is Cambodia's rare, honorable, dignified STATESMAN through and through in a swamp of crocodiles and snakes with unbridled ambition and greed!
See Sam Rainsy's Unique Role (my commentary).
- Theary, 8 Dec. 2016
Labels and titles
សម រង្ស៊ី / Sam Rainsy
តំណែង មិនសំខាន់ទេ។ អ្វី ដែលសំខាន់ គឺ ភាពទៀងត្រង់ និងភាព ថ្លៃថ្នូរ របស់យើង ម្នាក់ៗ។ ខ្ញុំ សុខចិត្តធ្វើ អ្វីៗ ទាំងអស់ ឲ្យតែ ប្រទេសជាតិយើងបាននៅគង់វង្ស, ហើយ ឈានទៅរក ភាពរុងរឿង។ គេ បណ្តេញខ្ញុំ ពីរដ្ឋសភា, គេ ដកអភ័យឯកសិទ្ធិ, គេកាត់ទោស ឲ្យជាប់ពន្ធនាគារ, គេ ចេញដីកា ចាប់ខ្លួន, គេ ហាមឃាត់ និងរារាំង មិន ឲ្យវិលត្រឡប់ មកប្រទេសកំណើត វិញ, គេ បកស្រាយរដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ និងបទបញ្ជា ផ្ទៃក្នុង រដ្ឋសភា តាមតែ អំពើចិត្ត របស់គេ។ តែ ខ្ញុំ សម រង្ស៊ី នៅតែ សម រង្ស៊ី ដដែល, ហើយ ភាពស្មោះត្រង់ របស់ខ្ញុំ ចំពោះ ប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរ នៅតែ ស្មោះត្រង់ ជានិច្ច រហូតដល់ដង្ហើម ចុងក្រោយ របស់ខ្ញុំ។
Labels and titles are not important. What is important is one's integrity and dignity. I gladly accept everything if I can help rescue our country and make it prosperous.
They chased me from the National Assembly; they lifted my parliamentary immunity; they sentenced me to prison terms; they issued an arrest warrant against me; they exiled me and blocked all possibilities for me to come back to my native country; they misinterpreted the Constitution and the National Assembly's rules any way they want. But I remain true to myself and will remain faithful to my motherland until the end of my life.
សម រង្ស៊ី / Sam Rainsy: ចុះឈ្មោះ បោះឆ្នោត | Registered as voters
In recent weeks, I've come to know a family -- single mother with two young children and her brothers and sisters who are migrant workers from Battambang where their aged parents tend to someone's else land to this day. The single mother and her siblings have all had stints working legally and illegally in Thailand. During one of her work forays across the border into Thailand, the single mother left her daughter, barely a toddler, behind with her parents. One time her father found his granddaughter sucking on the nipples of their dog for milk, desperate was the baby girl for nutrients and maternal comfort.
- Theary, 17 Nov. 2016
Betsy DeVos
Repository of Ideas Reaches 1M
What a difference a day makes! From a one-hour meticulous Kirirom manicure/pedicure costing a total $1.25 (one US dollar and twenty-five cents) to a suite in a Balinese resort. "Examining the Rights Impact of the ASEAN Economic Community"
False Grand Narrative of Racism
The Vietnamization of Kampuchea: Indochina Report (October 1984)
Orwell’s “1984” and Trump’s America
New Yorker | 27 January 2017 [excerpt]
And so, rereading Orwell, one is reminded of what Orwell got right about this kind of brute authoritarianism—and that was essentially that it rests on lies told so often, and so repeatedly, that fighting the lie becomes not simply more dangerous but more exhausting than repeating it. Orwell saw, to his credit, that the act of falsifying reality is only secondarily a way of changing perceptions. It is, above all, a way of asserting power.
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