Human Rights Resource Center for ASEAN
Governing Board Meeting
Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta, 17-20 April 2010
 A bit surreal to be heavy in remembrance of what happened to Cambodia 35 years ago this April 17 in this Four Seasons Hotel meeting room and suite... but how apropos the human rights focus...
 HRRCA Governing Board meeting: Ong Keng Yong (former ASEAN Secretary-General, Singapore), Theary Seng, Kavi Chongkittavorn (Editor of The Nation, Thailand), Param Cumaraswamy (UN Secretary General Special Representative for Judicial Independence, Malaysia), Asmara Nababan (prominent human rights advocates for some 40 years, Indonesia), Kevin Tan (NUS law professor, Singapore), David Cohen (director of UC Berkeley War Crimes Center), Greg Churchill, USAID-funded ASEAN-Technical Assistance & Training Facility team of TimBuehrer, Lisa Hillmann, Roichatul Aswidah (Four Season Hotel Jakarta, 18 April 2010).
