Conversations with Dr. Ervin Staub in Cambodia
More information
 CIVICUS Cambodia founding president Theary Seng introducing Dr. Ervin Staub (Phnom Penh, 10 March 2011) with research Laura McGrew, ECCC Witness Support Section Sophie Swart, Sophea of Acid Burn Victims Network, Gil and Joyce Suhs, BBC Guy De Launey etc. in attendance.
 Other participants: TPO Dr. Muny Sothara, TPO Youn Sarath, Dr. Inger Agger of Denmark with her TPO assistant Sopheap, TPO Om Chariya, GIZ consultant to TPO Judith Strasser etc.
 Ms. Chun Chenda Sophea of Acid Burn Victims Network, Joyce and Gil Suhs etc.
 Boramy, Latt Ky of Adhoc etc.
 Dr. Inger Agger of Denmark, next to Dr. Muny Sothara (psychiatrist with TPO), CIVICUS Cambodia Sok Leang, TPO Youn Sarath, research Laura McGrew, GIZ psychotherapist to TPO Judith Strasser, ECCC Witness Support Section Sophie Swart, Theary Seng...
 Dr. Ervin Staub at CIVICUS Cambodia, 10 March 2011
 Enjoying dinner (with a little "happiness" from next door) and drinks at Cantina after the conversations at CIVICUS Cambodia, 10 March 2011.