ECCC Civil Party Seminars, Class Action Theary Seng representative of Civil Party Orphans Class against senior KR leaders (above Nuon Chea at ECCC Pre-Trial Chamber provisional detention hearing, Feb. 2008)
International Transitional Justice Seminars
  Caitlin Reiger of International Center for Transitional Justice (in red) conducting a seminar at Center for Social Development civil society leaders on transitional justice mechanisms, with CSD director Theary Seng (left photo, standing) hosting (Phnom Penh, 2006).
Seminars on International Tribunals, the Cambodian Judiciary
 ECCC Defense Support Section (Rupert Skilbeck, Richard Rogers and team) partnered with CSD Theary Seng to conduct seminars on international tribunals for civil society leaders to better prepare them in their outreach work to the Cambodian population, 2007. MORE PHOTOS . . .