January 2011 in Michigan
6 - 16 January 2011
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Impossible to Forget: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
by Steven Erlanger
International Herald Tribune, 7 Jan. 2011
Reprinted in KI-Media
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In Sudan, a Colonial Curse Comes Up for a Vote
International Herald Tribune, Week in Review, 8 Jan. 2011
Answering Your Sudan Questions
(Take 1, Take 2, Round 3)
Nicholas D. Kristof and President Jimmy Carter
International Herald Tribune, 9, 11 and 13 Jan. 2011
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 Theary Seng with brother Sina and godfather Wally Boelkins at Gerald R. Ford International Airport where 30 years ago she arrived as a refugee (Grand Rapids, 6 Jan. 2011).
 Theary Seng with godfather Wally Boelkins in garage of Hidden Ridge, a bittersweet visit after airport and lunch (Photo: Sina Seng, Grand Rapids, 6 Jan. 2011).
 A bittersweet visit to Hidden Ridge (up for sale) where Theary Seng spent countless summers and holidays with godfather Wally Boelkins (and Marge who passed 3 years ago this month), here also with brother Sina (Grand Rapids, 6 Jan. 2011).
 After filming for PBS and meeting with students taking The January Series class who watched the PBS taping, Theary Seng speaking at Calvin Academy for Lifetime Learning (Grand Rapids, 7 Jan. 2011).
 Theary Seng speaking at The January Series (Grand Rapids, 7 Jan. 2011) to a packed auditorium seating 1,100, an overflow in the Chapel with another 400, an overflow in the Students Commons, in addition to 30 simulcasts across the States, Canada and as far flung as Lithuania.
My name was called over the Grand Rapids airport intercom to meet with "party" (Ann De Vries slugging through the early morning and heavy snow bearing parting gifts!); upon returning to the boarding lounge, a couple in the same waiting lounge on the way to Arizona for vacation (connection in Chicago O'Hare Airport), upon hearing my name, approached me to say how they and a group of their friends attended my TJS lecture and couldn't stop talking about it afterward. It was such a generous feedback!
More photos...
Theary Seng's Profile (including audio presentation)
 Cambodian Attorney Fighting for Justice Got Start in Grand Rapids (Legal News, 12 Jan. 2011), reproduced in KI-Media
Students reflect on The January Series
 Theary Seng with Kristi Potter (director of The January Series) and Calvin College president Gaylen Byker at luncheon hosted by president Byker at his residence, The De Witt Manor after the TJS lecture and book signing, 7 Jan. 2011.
 A special visit of Helen and Wally Boelkins with the Sengs at their home: here, Wally looking at his present made by Lily (7 Jan. 2011)
 Red cardinal in Sina's backyard (Michigan, 7 Jan. 2011)
 My handsome nephew Gabriel Seng serenading us on the flute during dinner (Michigan, 7 Jan. 2011)
 Theary Seng with beautiful nieces Isabel Grace and Lily Seng at their home (Michigan, 7 Jan. 2011)
 My sweet, beautiful niece Lily who gave up her room for me (Michigan, 7 Jan. 2011)
 The majestic wintry view from Lily Seng's bedroom of her backyard (Michigan, 8 Jan. 2011).
 There she goes! Lily Seng, 4, sleds in her backyard (Michigan, 10 Jan. 2011)

 Family bonding in the outdoor hot tub: Sina, Nancy, Gabriel, Jared, Isabel Grace, Lily Seng at home (Michigan, 9 Jan. 2011)
 Soul sisters in Kramanation: Theary Seng with the Boelkins daughters - Jan (Talen), Chris (Konondyk), Ann (De Vries), Kathy (Van Til), Theary, Christine (Boelkins), Marla (Warren) at Sunday dinner at Chuck and Christine Boelkins' in Ada, Michigan (9 Jan. 2011).
 Sina and his family, Ann De Vries and her daughter Katrina (Michigan, 9 Jan. 2011)
More photos from Sunday dinner...
 Two engineers and entrepreneurs talking shop at Sina's manufacturing factory: retired (but not really!) Wally Boelkins of Unist, Inc. and Sina Seng of Conceptual Site Furnishings, Inc., a company he founded in 2003 which makes high-end commercial outdoor furnishings (e.g. the security posts surrounding all the World Bank buildings and the Judiciary Square in Washington, D.C.)
Conceptual Site Furnishings Aims for Business Closer to Home (MiBiz.com, 14 Jan. 2011)
 Theary Seng visits work of Bethany Christian Services: Ann De Vries (far right) teaches English to adult Burmese and Bhutanese refugees as their children attend school, and after, a wonderful surprise meeting with Donna Abbott (2nd left), Theary's case worker of 30 years ago at the Bethany Christian Services headquarters (Michigan, 11 Jan. 2011)
Theary Seng speaking at Prof. David Dornbos' Developing a Christian Mind (DCM) class on the topic of World Hunger at Calvin College (Michigan, 12 Jan. 2011).
 These two crazy kids (Wally and Helen Boelkins - Helen drives a SUV Porsche if that doesn't explain her fun-loving personality!) insisted that they take me to Ann Arbor for my 2-day speaking engagements, driving 3 1/2 hours one way in the snow, only to drive back that same evening another 3 1/2 hours back home to Grand Rapids, after dropping me off at Campus Inn (Ann Arbor). (The University of Michigan had offered to fly me back and forth and/or rent a car for me... which doesn't even come close to the company I had with Wally and Helen in his Lincoln towns car.) At least they stayed to visit with Chuck Jacob (a friend and college pastor from my Georgetown days in Washington, DC and now a senior pastor at Knox Presbyterian in Ann Arbor) and his lovely wife Diane and adorable 3 children (Dexter Village, a suburb of Ann Arbor, 13 Jan. 2011). A week and a half later, I received a wonderful email from a friend who attended this church and knew nothing of my friendship with Chuck to express how surprised he was that I was mentioned in the sermon. Listen to sermon (Mission in the Way, 23 Jan. 2011)
My godmother Marge Boelkins (nee Betten) passed away exactly 3 years ago this January which last brought me back to Michigan for the funeral (a few days after the Mia Farrow media coup for Dream for Darfur). Wally and Helen married one year later: each a widow with 6 children, exactly paralleling each other - 5 daughters and one son in the corresponding order and similar age range! And the son of each has taken over the father's company of similar business field and comparable success! Each has over 20 grandchildren: Helen has some adopted from Africa; Wally has some adopted from China.

 Theary Seng speaking at the MLK, Jr. Symposium at the University of Michigan (Museum of Art auditorium, 13 Jan. 2011). Filmed for Michigan public television. Read her presentation "Reconciling Peace with Justice: Legacy of MLK, Jr. in Cambodia", also on KI-Media.
 Theary Seng film interviews for University of Michigan Law School promotional video as well as for UM Law School's Alumni Magazine (Friday, 14 Jan. 2011).
 After meeting with students to discuss Cambodia, Theary Seng speaking at the Friday-at-Noon Lecture Series on the Extraordinary Chambers (ECCC) at the University of Michigan, here with Dr. Allen Hicken (director of Univ. of Michigan Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Dr. Dorasy Paul (Cambodian-American friend who obtained her Ph. D in anthropology at Univ. Michigan when Theary was a law student, and Kate Wright (Program Manager of Center for Southeast Asian Studies (Ann Arbor, 14 Jan. 2011).
 Born samnang, falsely accused by the Cambodian government, here paraded before the press corps by the police (film clip, Who Killed Chea Vichea?)
 Theary Seng speaking after the screening of Who Killed Chea Vichea? with Profs. Nick Rine and John Ciorciari (University of Michigan, 14 Jan. 2011), after a nice lunch with these not only brilliant, but passionate professors.
 Dr. Allen Hicken (director of Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Michigan) introducing the panelists: Theary Seng, Prof. Nick Rine, Prof. John Ciorciari.
 Theary Seng, Prof. Nick Rine, Prof. John Ciorciari
My Tribute to Chea Vichea on KI-Media
 Sacravatoon, Jan. 2011
Chea Vichea Memorial, 22 Jan. 2011