My TREASON & INCITEMENT MASS TRIAL (Initial Page on Trial Matters) TUESDAY, 14 JUNE 2022 VERDICT ANNOUNCEMENT Court Statement: Concluding Remarks ការការពារ ផ្លូវច្បាប់ របស់ខ្ញុំ � [ ... ] |
While editing the 2nd book of the Bible, EXODUS (really a continuation of the 1st book, Genesis, followed by 3 other books, the sum known collectively as The Pentateuch), one of the most powerful Scripture verses to strike me dumbfounded in a long time -- actually, make that the rest of the chapter...! Exodus 33: 7-11 (particularly, verse 11) The Tent of Meeting Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone inquiring of the LORD would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp. And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people rose and stood at the entrances to their tents, watching Moses until he entered the tent. As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the LORD spoke with Moses. Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to their tent. The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.
My edits from this Khmer Standard Version (2005)
. . . I love this version of the DOXOLOGY (Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow) . . .
Names of God
Amy Grant And with Michael W. Smith, including Thy Word
Chris Tomlin
I would make one edit to this beautiful song: replacing "Jehovah" with "Adonai"
(Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty) Michael W. Smith
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New Year Resolution: Learning from Babes
1. MORE GRACE (in the fashion of graceful Isabel Grace) in my rebellion, in my sarcasm of the Kew-Kew! Kew-Kew!
2. MORE SPIRIT OF FUN (in the fashion of joshing Josh) in my rebellion, in my sarcasm of the Kew-Kew! Kew-Kew! Details to be worked out later.
"Matching Ugly Faces" -- Josh Chuang -- Adorableness beyond words.
My 3-year old nephew Joshua of Irvine CA. When I think of Josh, I think, personality, bundle of energy, and...
...sudden butting of his head into you, followed immediately with the most genuine "Sorry!" and patting of the injury, only to have the cycle occurs a few minutes later.
You cannot but love a child so quick with a "Sorry!", a lesson for many of us adults who cannot utter or know the word.
More photos of Joshua from my visit to California in June 2012...
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If you ONLY know English, and this is how you have been habituated to read English, how far would you go in your education?
This is how Cambodians read the Cambodian language. For Cambodians with means or an opportunity to rely on another language, after they're stuck with the Cambodian language (which is very early on), they rely on their 2nd language for knowledge.
But for the MAJORITY of Cambodians who do not know a 2nd language, they have to fight the printed page and mangled language (of misspelling, of "creative" texting-style punctuation, or just run-on phrases) to get even a scant piece of knowledge. It is in English to give a non-Cambodian reader a feel for how Cambodians read Khmer (and the magnitude of the crisis.)
4-Part Series of Commentary to The Phnom Penh Post Re-posted on KI-Media and Facebook Accounts Sent to 1,500 on Email List-serve
Part I A LANGUAGE IN CRISIS (edited version published in The Phnom Penh Post, 16 Aug. 2011)
Part II A LANGUAGE IN CRISIS The Written Khmer: The Problem (edited version published in The Phnom Penh Post, 17 August 2012)
Part III A LANGUAGE IN CRISIS The Written Khmer: A Few Questions (anecdotes of the problems on the ground posed in list of questions, forthcoming)
Part IV A LANGUAGE IN CRISIS The Written Khmer: A Few Recommendations (a few initial recommendations of the way forward, forthcoming) Background
Venerable Chuon Nath's Dictionary and other Authority (the learned monk of the 20th century is the strongest authority on all things educated, in Khmer)
Language and National Identity by Dr. Stephen Heder (a chapter on Cambodia in a book published by Oxford University Press)
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សេចក្តីប្រកាស ជាសកល ស្តីអំពី សិទ្ធិមនុស្ស Universal Declaration of Human Rights
This version is from a couple of translations published by the UNOHCHR (booklet, webpage) which I have edited mainly with regards to spacing and punctuations for easier comprehension. On occasions, I have corrected translation inaccuracies. – Theary C. Seng, Phnom Penh, 30 Nov. 2012
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The Khmer Bible
Version with Proper Punctuations/Formatting
Edited by Theary C. Seng
As the Khmer Standard Version of the Bible, 2005 is extremely well translated in terms of word choice/vocabulary, and recently made available in electronic form on the internet, and because I am already very well familiar with the stories and books of the Bible (reading, re-reading them since I first became a Christian at the age of 9 years old--32 years ago!), I am editing the KSV 2005 with proper, consistent, and "new" punctuations as well as reformatting it for clarity and easier comprehension.
I am starting with books and portions of the Bible which contain ideas and concepts which are already familiar, even if the non-Christian Khmer reader may be surprised to find the source as the Bible, e.g. the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Sermon on the Mount, Gospel of Luke and of John, Letter of James, etc.
Both Christian and non-Christian Cambodian readers will be able to appreciate these edited books of the Bible in Khmer, mainly because they rare reading materials available in the Khmer language that are clear and understandable. For the non-believing Khmer readers, take these edited books of the Bible as good literature, which they are (plus more, for the Khmer believers!).
In all instances, I have changed to the correct spelling of ឲ្យ (from អោយ, which is incorrect).
Samdech Sangh (Venerable) Chuon Nath Dictionary (1967) and another dictionary before 1977 have ឲ្យ. Dictionaries of 2004, 2007 have ឱ្យ. ឱ្យ is an accepted form of ឲ្យ. However, the introduction page of Samdech Sangh Chuon Nath dico (1967-1968) edition - note No. ខ៣, he also indicated that while this form is correct, we should not use: ឱយ or អោយ. Writing អោយ (which is INCORRECT) is akin to texting in English luv . It is common practice to write informally text or email messages "I luv you" but it doesn't make "luv" the correct spelling of "love". The principle also applies to writing Khmer properly. I am also changing the spelling of សម្រាប់ (correct) from សំរាប់ (incorrect).
When the dictionaries are in conflict without a reasonable explanation, go with the strongest authority, Ven. Chuon Nath dictionary of 1967 which has សម្រាប់ as the correct spelling (as well as the Dictionnaire Détaillé des Homonyses et des Paronymes, 2007).
(សំរាប់ is found in 2 later dictionaries published during great political instability when there were no infrastructure: Cambodian-English of 1977, during the Khmer Rouge genocide, American University Press, and Oxford English-Khmer of 2004, only one year after UNTAC left.)
I am currently having my staff at CIVICUS Cambodia typing two basic books on the history of Cambodia, already translated but lacking proper punctuations, so that I may edit them and make them freely available online for the public.
READING Must be free of the burdens of having to fight the printed page and mangled language.
READING Is the beginning of effective DIALOGUE, of quality EDUCATION, of RECONCILIATION, of Cambodian FLOURISHING (PEACE with JUSTICE, or SHALOM).
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